Meet Ingrid B.
When you connect to your breath you connect to everything.
Ingrid B
Entrepreneur, tree hugger, yoga teacher, dog mom and motivational speaker
I'm living my Dharma.
Dharma has several definitions to mean purpose, truth, oneness, and alignment. When I say I am living my Dharma, I mean I am living my purpose. I was raised to believe being sensitive to my emotions was a weakness growing up in a traditional machista culture. When in all actuality it is my SUPERPOWER.
I've gained rich wisdom through the hardships of my life. Being undocumented on DACA, grieving the loss of my father and first love in nearly the same year in my early 20's, and battling with my violent childhood trauma, that brought me closer to seeking the desire to understand how to be there for myself. I Unlocked unhealed generational wounds, self realizations and ultimately my truth.
I hung on to an identity for many years that was given to me from my culture, society, and other influences that caused me pain & suffering that I couldn't manage to get rid of. After searching for community, reading all the self help books I could find, and maintaining an active spiritual practice I've reached my ultimate truth.
I am a healer.
My experiences in life have brought me here, to you. So that I could be of service to you somehow. May my words, energy and wisdom help you navigate whatever you're seeking. 🤍

I LOVE to spend time with my dog Meenu. Whether it be running, dancing in the park with my headphones on playing catch or sitting under a tree meditating together.
You can also catch me moving energy out my body through my hips on Salsa nights. I love to Bachata & Salsa.
And well, I hug trees a lot. Unapologetically.